
We can now equip existing toll-free numbers to send and receive text messages.

Being able to send and receive texts over those numbers means customers who previously had to navigate through several menu options and were held captive listening to hold music as they waited for a human voice to answer their questions can now simply text the same number for a quick response — and businesses can reply.

Contact us to sign up, download the app and start texting from any connected device. Text messaging is also supported on all web browsers, all desktop operating systems (Windows, Mac, Linux), iPad, Android tablets, Amazon Kindle, and Windows 8 desktop.

Businesses that have vanity toll-free numbers that are heavily promoted in various forms of advertising will find the toll-free texting capability particularly appealing.

These new services allow businesses to leverage text messaging’s burgeoning popularity as the go-to form of communication for many consumers. And they want to do that from their own devices, not from one of many over-the-top messaging applications that are now available.

Consumers don’t want to wait on hold — they want to use text messaging to contact businesses at numbers they already have, and at the time and place that’s convenient for them.

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Best Phone Numbers - Toll Free & Local Vanity Numbers